The 33-year-old Martyn Ford did an amazing transformation of his own once weak and thin body, gaining 168 pounds – more than he weighed when he started pumping iron! He’s 6 feet 8 inches and used to be a puny 154-pound thin man after he recovered from a heavy injury.

“The injury hit me quite hard and then psychologically I just gave up,” Martyn told. “I suppose a combination of not training and depression took me right down to that sort of weight.”

Martyn recounts that at first he just wanted to get back to his “normal” shape he had before his injury, but soon he ended up gaining much more. He told that actually he achieved his previous goal very quickly and that’s why he decided to try to work out some more. . “I hit the size I am now in three to four years,” Martyn said. “Then I changed my training and yo-yo’d between different sports and weights.” Now, Martyn can lift the weight of a Smart car easily.

Besides that, Martyn gained 143,000 followers on the Instagram and now runs his own gym. He also studies sports science, personal training and nutrition.
Martyn says that there wasn’t anything special in his transformation. All you have to do for that is to work out for one hour four times a week. As for his diet, he says “I eat every hour – chicken, fish, egg whites, oats, brown rice, potatoes, loads of veg and I drink lots of water.”

But what if you want to lose some weight and not gain in? Martyn Ford has the answer too: “Food is key here! I can’t express just how important vegetables are for so many different reasons! For fat loss leafy green vegetables are great for fibre, slow releasing carbohydrate and there high water content! With such little calories and such filling abilities vegetables play a massive part in the success of a diet.”
After his transformation Martyn started starring in the movies, but unfortunately because of his threatening appearance he has to play vile villains. Martyn admits that he is nothing like the characters he has to play. He says that he avoids situations that could result in fights. Luckily, very few people dare to tell Martyn something insulting face to face, preferring to do that on social media exclusively.
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