Friday, 4 December 2015

Why A Woman Should Not Agree To A Sex Tape.

This love thing is intoxicating. It can make you do things that would categorise you as an insane person. It will drag you up and down a flight of stairs and you would convince yourself that you are just having a great day on a merry-go-round at your favourite park.
Love can convince you to kill yourself and you’d gladly plunge the knife in your soul.
What of sex, that taboo word we are only supposed to mention with a hand over our mouth; for which we are forced to drink holy water to purge our lips of the sin of mentioning it. When you are caught in the throes of sexual passion, the things you do… kai, kai, kai!!
So we were talking about sending nude photos to a loved one and my friend says: “What is there? I have taken nude photos before, sometimes you just want to see how you look.”
Nne, the mirror is there. It is not broken. If it is, we will buy another one. But most importantly, and this was what I said to her: “My political career!!!” Which was code word for “my reputation.”
In Nigeria, it’s just takes a little slip for you to become a scarlet woman and for the rest of your days, you are marked. You may never get a job, but most pertinent, you will never be taken seriously.
I know: we are hypocrites. After all, what is there? Is it not just breasts and y*nsh?
For me, if taking nude photos of yourself or taking part in a home porno video will further your career like Kim Kardashian, or make you famous – at least for 15 minutes – like our own Anita Hogan, please, go ahead. Hustle na hustle. But if you are doing that sh*t for love, please think again.
Love is fickle. And the last thing you want to do is compromise yourself for something “that may not last anyway.”
I mean, why would you want to record yourself having sex so you can watch it later, when you can just do it again and again later. I mean, I don’t get it. Someone, please, explain it to me.
Your university boyfriend asks you to shoot a private video of you both having sex and you are like: “Yeah!!!” Like you have just been offered ice cream. You tear your clothes off and fall on the bed. It is just for us, he says. Then you find the camera is focused on your face and face alone. If someone watches that sh*t 100 times, they will never tell, who the male star is.
Then tomorrow you hear the video was released and you start to panic and yell blackmail.
You had better do a Kim Kardashian and own that sh*t, better to let out the air in the sails of the blackmailing maniac.
Yesterday, we heard news of trouble in “veteran” rapper, 2shotz’s marriage. Through a series of texts sent to a friend, his wife accused him of spousal abuse. Not only that, he allegedly threatened to release a sex tape they made together.
No. 1, that’s an empty threat as the wife’s friend pointed out. But the wife still went ahead to defend her “mistake”. “At least I was f*cking my husband,” she said in Pidgin English.
You see where the scarlet woman reputation comes in and why the alleged brute had the audacity, despite being a protagonist in the “blue film” as we call it, to threaten that rubbish. Because he knows the kind of society we live in Nigeria. A woman’s reputation is everything and the last thing any sane Nigerian woman would want to be seen as is a fallen woman – at least for rteh sake of your family, your mother and father who sent you to school to do better things so you can be “somebody”.
The dude also told her that no man would marry her because she has had two children from two different men.
Forget the men that father countless children with different women in all the states of the federation; the standards are different for women, some men I have known always take pains to point out to me, Just two kids from two men and already she is deemed unmarriageable for life by the same men who allegedly abused her emotionally and physically. In the Nigerian court of public opinion, he knows he will win, after all he is the man. She is his wife and expected to be submissive.
One of the Nigerian single and searching women (and even among married women) favourite bible quote is the one about the virtuous woman.
Please, please and please, do not let your self-worth hang on the perception of a man about you.
“You are too tough, you are unmarriageable.” “No man will marry because you are controlling blah blah.”
Nna, if you don’t want to be controlled then be a man. Me k’ibe gi. Do like your mates. You are not bringing anything to the table and you still want to be a man. It’s not possible, nna.
And if the only solution to your problem is to beat up your wife and threaten to ruin her reputation then you deserve all the hell you are facing.
The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent the editorial policy o

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